Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mini Detox

No time for a full body detox? Feeling sluggish, a little run down? Do you feel like you ate a little more then you should have over the holidays? It may be time for a mini detox! Check out

What is a mini detox?

You can think of a mini detox as detox-lite! It is a lot easier to do than your traditional full on detoxification or colon cleanse. Here is what to do:

1. Cleanse your mind.

Just two minutes each morning is all you need to cleanse your mind. As soon as you wake up, since you are already relaxed, sit comfortably, close your eyes or focus on an object and breath deeply and evenly. If you start thinking, tell yourself you will get back to those thoughts later and bring your attention back to your inhales and exhales.

2. Eat a lot of detoxifying foods.

Sulfur rich vegetables, such as broccoli and onions support liver detox enzymes, fiber rich foods such as lentils and fruit, help eliminate toxins and lean protein, like wild salmon, organic chicken and tofu is rich in amino acids, which prepare toxins for elimination. Some spices at every meal. such as curry and cinnamon, boosts metabolism which is a great way to help your body rid itself of toxins rapidly.

3. Dry brush your skin

Before you get into a warm shower every morning, "brush" your body using a natural bristle brush in light circular and upward strokes on your feet, legs, belly and arms. This stimulates your skin and lymphatic system - two of the most important detoxifying organs in your body.

Sisal Body Brush - Large

4. Take artichoke leaf extract.

This detox supplement increases the formation and flow of bile and protects the liver cells from damage.

Artichoke Leaves (Cynara Scolymus) 500 Mg 180 Caps

5. Drink Green Tea

3 times a day, drink a cup of organic decaffeinated green tea. The liver detox enzymes are stimulated by the properties of green tea as stated in!

Yogi Teas / Golden Temple Tea Co Detox Tea

Ginger tea and detox

Ginger has a long history of medicinal use. It is well-known for helping to combat nausea, and it is a natural antihistamine, expectorant and decongestant as mentioned in

Ginger detoxification can give your body an energizing effect while cleansing and clearing out nasty toxins.

A simple ginger tea is all you need to get the ball rolling and feel better.

2 cups water
1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger
1/2 teaspoon powdered turmeric
1 tablespoon maple syrup
Juice of 1/2 lemon

greentea-small1. Bring water to a boil, then add powdered herbs. Simmer for 10 minutes.
2. Strain tea into a mug, add maple syrup and lemon, stirring to combine. Drink warm.
Makes 1 serving.

As stated in, for best results have 3-4 cups per day!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Natural Remedies for Vaginitis

What is Vaginitis?
Vaginitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the vagina. The majority of women experience vaginitis at some point in their lives. But the good news is that it is treatable naturally, and that you can prevent if from occurring. To learn more, please go to
Who Gets Vaginitis?
Women who have been overloaded with antibiotics are most frequently subject to vaginitis. This is because the use of antibiotics kills the friendly bacteria in the vagina, as well as the urinary, and digestive tract. This can lead to a candida overgrowth, and also throw of vaginitis f the ph balance in the vagina. Oral Contraceptives, and certain prescriptions medications can also cause.
What are the Symptoms of Vaginitis?
The most commonly experienced symptoms of vaginitis are; itching, burning, soreness, cottage-cheese like discharge, and pain during intercourse.
What are the Root Causes of Vaginitis?
The overuse of antibiotics tops the list of root causes. Oral contraceptives, a diet high in sugar, stress, pregnancy, excessive douching, and tight clothing are other causes of vaginitis. Poor hygiene, food allergies, and sensitivities, diabetes, a hormonal and flora imbalance, HIV, and a suppressed immune system have also been linked to vaginitis as mentioned in

Natural Remedies
Do a candida cleanse. Limit the amount of sugar in your diet. Avoid foods that have high amounts of mold or yeast such as; aged cheese, dried fruits, nuts, and nut butters.

Women's Probiotic

Women's Probiotic-Take as directed on the label. I recommend Dr. Murray’s Women’s formula. It is formulated for women, with ingredients catering to urinary tract infections as well.


Echinacea-Take 500 mg four times a day for immune support.

Vitamin B 12

Vitamin B 12- Take a sublingual B 12 400 - 800 mcg daily.


Candex- Take one capsule one in the morning, and one at night on an empty stomach. This supplement eats the cell walls of the candida.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C-Take 1,000 mg two to three times a day for immune support.

Oregon Grape Root

Oregon Grape Root- Take 500 mg four times a day for immune support.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil- Take 500 mg in capsule form twice a day. Oregano Oill has powerful anti-fungal properties.

Tea Tree Oil Suppositories

Tea Tree Oil Suppositories- Use immediately before laying down to go to bed. This will help with the itching, and has really great results.

*Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements, and also read the warning labels on each product, especially if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Also read the labels carefully when giving your child any natural supplement, to ensure that it is safe to give a child.

Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones

What are Kidney Stones?
Kidney stones are stones that form in the kidneys mostly composed of calcium salts. Some are composed of calcium phosphate, struvite, cystine, and uric acid among other materials. Many kidney stones pass unnoticed due to their small size. But, they can become quite large. In fact, kidney stones can be as big as a marble. When they get to be this large they cause excruciating pain. To learn more, please go to

Who Gets Kidney Stones?
Kidney stones are becoming more and more common in Western society. The main reason for this is poor dietary habits. Men over the age of thirty are most likely to be affected by kidney stones. People who live in the Southern region of the United States are also commonly linked to a higher incidence of developing kidney stones. Again, this is probably due to the dietary habits of this part of the U.S.

What are the Symptoms of Kidney Stones?
Pain on one side of the lower back, in the belly, or down in the groin are common symptoms. A frequent urge to urinate, blood and sediment in the urine are also symptoms of kidney stones. As well as nausea, and vomiting. If the stone causes an infection or a blockage you may experience chills, and a fever as well.

What are the Root Causes of Kidney Stones?
As stated previously, poor dietary habits are the main cause of kidney stones. Dehydration, obesity, inactivity, allergies, and food sensitivities have been linked to kidney stones. As well as having a poor urinary ph balance, an inherited inability to absorb calcium properly, a magnesium and potassium deficiency, and certain metabolic disorders such as; Hyperparathyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, sarcoidosis, and cancer.

Natural Remedies
Drinking enough fluids is essential to keep kidney stones from developing. Because dehydration increases the mineral concentration in the kidneys, this can make the way form stones to crystallize. Drinking purified water, at least one liter a day building up to two, or three liters is a great way to stay hydrated. Buying a nice polycarbonate one liter bottle makes it easy to keep track of how much you are drinking.

It is important to not that any beverage containing caffeine, or high amounts of sodium will not hydrate you, in fact they dehydrate you. For every cup of coffee you need to drink 2 cups of water to replenish your fluids. Eating a diet high in fresh, raw organic produce is also very helpful. Eat food high in magnesium such as; leafy greens, kelp, soybeans, almonds, and apples. While foods like watermelon, celery, and parsley help to cleanse the urinary tract. Eating a lot of cherries helps as well, due to the fact that some kidney stones have high amounts of uric acid in them. This is also the cause of gout. So if you have kidney stones, and you suffer from gout, cherries will really help to lower your uric acid levels as mentioned in

The list of foods to avoid is unfortunately quite long. These are food which are high in oxalic acid, which is usually an ingredient in kidney stones. But doing the best you can to improve your diet will undoubtably make a drastic difference for you. Rhubarb, collards, tomatoes, beets, eggplant, spinach, peanuts, almonds. blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, concord grapes, and cocoa. Organ meats, eating too many dairy products, and refined sugar are also instigators of kidney stones. As you may have notices kidney stones don’t usually form overnight so to speak. More that likely if you start drinking enough fluids, clean up your diet a little and takes some of the supplements I have listed at the bottom, your kidney stones will be a things of the past.

MagnesiumMagnesium- Take 250 mg twice daily. Magnesium is an essential mineral, and also a muscle relaxer. It prevent the formation of calcium-oxalate crystals.
Aloe Vera JuiceAloe Vera Juice- Drink 1/4 a cup a day or as directed on the container. If you experience diarrhea, reduce your dose. Aloe Vera juice reduces urinary crystals.
Vitamin B 6Vitamin B 6- Take 50 mg daily. Vitamin B 6 helps reduce calcium-oxalate level. Studies have shown that people with kidney stones are usually deficient in B 6.
Cranberry ExtractCranberry Extract- Take 400 mg twice daily or as directed on label. Cranberry reduces urinary calcium levels, and also helps to prevent urinary infections.
Vitamin AVitamin A- Take 5,000 IU daily. A Vitamin A deficiency is linked with kidney stone formation.
Uva UrsiUva Ursi- Take 250 mg - 500 mg three times daily, or as directed on the label. Uva Ursi relieves pain, cleanses the urinary tract, and fights infection. * Do not take Uva Ursi for more than a fourteen day stretch.

*Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements, and also read the warning labels on each product, especially if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Also read the labels carefully when giving your child any natural supplement, to ensure that it is safe to give a child.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Detox with Herbs

Using herbs to detox the body is a great concept. It cleanses toxins out of the body in a more natural way. Think about all that we endure each day and what we consume or breathe into our body, which affects our vital organs and our immunity level. Of course, we all need to go on with our lives as we usually do and we still need to eat food, but we can change some habits and help lessen the amounts of toxins that go into our body. is a website that aims in helping to detox our body.

Toxins do slow down the immune system. Your immune system is what helps you to ward off diseases, viruses, and other illnesses. Certain herbs can be used to clean out toxins and restore the immune system back to its healthiest state. The herbs in the lists below are some of the best ones to detox the body of toxins. You can choose whichever ones best suit you as shown in

Detoxify with Psyllium seeds

These herbs will help the bowels to regulate and removes toxins at the same time.

Detox with Cascara Sagrada

This herb acts like a laxative. It rids the toxins from the body and it helps to strengthen the colon. This herb is usually used along with Psyllium seeds.

Cleanse with Milk Thistle

Milk thistle helps the liver to function better. It has been used with drug and alcohol detox programs and is very successful in cleaning the toxins out of the body.

Detoxify with Nettles

Nettles are a mixture of herbs that are usually used to cleanse the urinary tract and bladder. It can help to cleanse toxins from the rest of the body, too.

Detox with Burdock roots

This herb is a stronger herb and does a stronger toxin removal. Some toxin levels are higher due to certain minerals, also called metals, building up in the body. This herb does a great job at cleansing these out, which can help strengthen the immune system.

Dandelion roots will help you detox

This herb is used for serious detox needs. It helps to cleanse toxins out of the liver and make the liver stronger. It also works on cleaning the gall bladder and improving gall bladder functions. This one helps the kidneys, too, and is usually combined with other types of herbs.

How can the liver and the kidneys function properly when they are overloaded with toxins? These organs are supposed to help our body remove toxins from our body, but the function of each organ can slow down if we do not detox. Wouldn’t it be better to do a detox every once in a while then to have to have kidney dialysis later on in life?