Sunday, September 5, 2010

Alternative Medicine for Celiac Disease

What is celiac disease? Celiac disease is a widespread autoimmune disorder of the small intestine that occurs in genetically predisposed people of all ages from middle infancy onward. Celiac disease is caused by a reaction to gliadin, a prolamin (gluten protein) found in wheat, and similar proteins found in the crops of the tribe Triticeae (which includes other cultivars such as barley and rye). Upon exposure to gliadin, and certain other prolamins, the enzyme tissue transglutaminase modifies the protein, and the immune system cross-reacts with the small-bowel tissue, causing an inflammatory reaction. That leads to a truncating of the villi lining the small intestine (called villous atrophy). You can also read more at This interferes with the absorption of nutrients, because the intestinal villi are responsible for absorption. The only known effective treatment is a lifelong gluten-free diet and while the disease is caused by a reaction to wheat proteins, it is not the same as wheat allergy.

Severe celiac disease leads to the characteristic symptoms of pale, loose and greasy stool, weight loss or failure to gain weight (in young children). People with milder celiac disease may have symptoms that are much more subtle and occur in other organs rather than the bowel itself. Finally, it is possible to have celiac disease without any symptoms whatsoever. Many adults with subtle disease only have fatigue or anemia.

Natural Cures for Celiac Disease

The most natural cures for Celiac disease involve following a gluten-free diet. Eliminate the following from your diet: breads, bagels, cakes, cookies, pasta, cracker and chips unless they’re gluten free, processed foods, sugar and syrups. The good news is that gluten-free health products have begun a recent rise in popularity since gluten-free health products are not only better for one’s health, but the gluten-free grains are superior in health nutritional value than the more common grains.

Herbal remedies such as echinacea and goldenseal may help to speed the natural healing process for celiac disease. These two herbal remedies serve as immune system boosters and often packaged together in capsule form. You may also find Echinacea and goldenseal in combination with other herbal remedies like slippery elm, marshmallow, geranium, and other herbs. You might find these herbal remedies in your local health food stores. Echinacea and goldenseal herbal remedies are important in the natural healing of celiac disease because they have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. One cautionary note, however: Don’t take these herbal remedies continuously. Generally, two weeks on and two weeks off for a period of up to two months is advised.

Another natural remedy for celiac is drinking daily health vitamins/mineral supplements since health vitamins supplements can also speed the natural healing of celiac disease. Take in the recommended dose of calcium health vitamins supplements is 1,000 milligrams along with 400 milligrams of magnesium health nutritional supplements. A lack of B6 health vitamins is also partly to blame for symptoms of celiac disease so take in health nutritional supplements such as the Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P-5-P). These health nutritional supplements are recommended as it requires no conversion to make health vitamins B6, and can be easier on the stomach.

Many celiac patients commonly suffer deficiencies of health vitamins A, C, D, E and so it’s also suggested that they can benefit from taking these in health vitamins nutritional supplements form, along with a chelated form of zinc health supplement. As with any health supplement, read the directions and keep your doctor fully informed about what you are taking and how much.

Celiac patients also often suffer a deficiency of K health vitamins. K health vitamins can be supplemented through natural health green foods, especially alfalfa. Natural health green food supplements contain many essential nutrients, including trace minerals. Evening primrose oil is a good source of the omega-6 essential fatty acids that celiac patients often lack.

Silica health supplements soothes inflammations in the gastrointestinal tract and is available in both capsules health supplements form and gel health supplements form as also mentioned in

Medicinal clay is excellent in promoting healing of the walls of the colon and protecting it from irritation by toxins and dry, abrasive matter.

Daily Dosages of Health Nutritional Supplements for Celiacs:

Green health food nutritional supplements, 1 tbsp.
Evening primrose oil, two 500 mg health nutritional capsule supplements three times daily
Multivitamin health supplements
Medicinal clay, dissolve 1 tsp. of clay in ½cup of water at room temperature and drink twice daily.
Papain health supplement, 500 mg three times daily
Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate health supplement, 50 mg daily
Silica, 3-6 health capsule supplement
B complex health vitamins, 50 mg twice daily
B12 health vitamins, 100 mcg
C health vitamins, with bioflavonoids, 5,000 mg one to three times daily

Recommended Supplements to Take

The following supplements are know to aid in the fight against Celiac Disease. Keep in mind that not every nutrient or supplement you swallow is absorbed by your body! Please read carefully the tab on the top of this page called HEALTH RESOURCES! It will explain to you why it is important to take the right supplements and nutrients. Our recommendations below we feel will give you the best possible nutrients and supplements on the market!

Essential Nutrients and Herbs to Take:

Nature's Bounty Evening Primrose Oil, 500 mg, 100 Softgels (Pack of 2)
Golden Seal Root 500 mg 100 Caps
Sundown Echinacea Whole Herb 400mg Capsules - 100ct Bottles (Pack of 2)
Thorne Research Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate - 180 Capsules
Caltrate 600 Plus D Calcium Supplement Chewable Tablets with Vitamin D and Minerals, Assorted Fruit Flavors, 90-Count Bottles (Pack of 2)

Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements, and also read the warning labels on each product, especially if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. In addition, read the labels carefully when giving your child any natural supplement, to ensure that it is safe to give a child.


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