Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Hypertensive Heart Disease

Hypertensive heart disease which includes coronary artery disease and heart failure needlessly affects millions of people. Heart disease statistics prove that heart disease is the leading killer of both men and women. A very disturbing heart disease fact reveals that it is the cause of at least 40% of all deaths among Americans, which is more than the amount of deaths caused by all types of cancer combined as mentioned in ifoundthecure.com

Hypertensive heart disease is characterized by an enlargement of the heart due to the presence of high blood pressure. Hypertensive heart disease’s development is almost completely avoidable through health lifestyle choices. And though men die from heart attacks more often, when it comes to heart disease, women are the most susceptible to it.
Heart disease is caused by a number of factors including, but not limited to:
• High blood pressure
• Cigarette smoking
• Obesity
• Hardening of the arteries
• Poor lifestyle habits
• High cholesterol


• Lack of exercise
• Diabetes
Symptoms of hypertensive heart disease may vary. Anyone experiencing one or more of the following symptoms is advised to seek a medical diagnosis immediately:
• Pain or discomfort in the chest
• Dizziness
• Nausea
• Shortness of breath
• Numbness, weakness, tingling or coldness in the extremities
• Fainting
• Palpitations
• An abnormally slow or fast heartbeat
• Skin discoloration
• Fluid retention and swelling, especially in the feet and ankles
• Fatigue
• Unexplained fever

Natural Home Remedies for Hypertensive Heart Disease

Natural Home Remedy #1 for Hypertensive Heart Disease: One of the simplest natural remedies for hypertensive heart disease involves a change in the diet: Eliminate salt consumption

Natural Home Remedy #2 for Hypertensive Heart Disease:Another one of the natural remedies for hypertensive heart disease is to stop smoking and to avoid alcohol.

Natural Home Remedy #3 for Hypertensive Heart Disease: Another suggested one of the suggested natural remedies for hypertensive heart disease is to lose weight. Exercise daily. Go walking, do yoga or tai chi is highly recommended for their physical and mental benefits.

Natural Home Remedy #4 for Hypertensive Heart Disease: As mentioned before, a change in diet is one of the well recommended natural remedies for hypertensive heart disease. Consuming natural foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits especially those high in fiber are highly suggested.

Natural Home Remedy #5 for Hypertensive Heart Disease: Another one of the natural remedies for hypertensive heart disease is to avoid processed foods, fast foods, foods with artificial ingredients, chemical additives and unnatural sweeteners

Natural Home Remedy #6 for Hypertensive Heart Disease: Also increase your intake of C health vitamins and E health vitamins. Specific natural foods that have healthy heart benefits include: apples, grapes, grapefruit, beet juice, raw onion juice, olive oil, honey and raw garlic. If you’re one of the people who get their daily fix of health vitamins through eating natural foods, then it is recommended that you substitute this for health supplements.

Natural Home Remedy #7 for Hypertensive Heart Disease: Herbal remedies that aid in healthy heart functioning include: parsley tea and alfafa juice.

But perhaps the best of the natural remedies for hypertensive heart disease is protecting the heart from ever developing it in the first place. How is this done? Simply by targeting a holistic healthy lifestyle that includes the proper balancing of the mind, the body and the spirit, which helps in keeping blood pressure at normal levels. Eating a healthy diet, which includes natural foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables and eliminating all manner of junk foods and processed foods; getting adequate amounts of rest and exercise; engaging in relaxing activities that soothe the mind and the spirit are all tools in creating a holistic healthy lifestyle that guards against hypertensive heart disease.
Lastly, anyone who thinks they may have developed hypertensive heart disease is advised to seek immediate and thorough medical attention. Natural remedies for heart disease should be discussed with a doctor and are perfectly safe to use in tandem with a physician’s recommendations for treatment as discussed in ifoundthecure.com

Recommended Supplements to Take

The following supplements are know to aid in the fight against Hypertensive Heart Disease. Keep in mind that not every nutrient or supplement you swallow is absorbed by your body! Please read carefully the tab on the top of this page called HEALTH RESOURCES! It will explain to you why it is important to take the right supplements and nutrients. Our recommendations below we feel will give you the best possible nutrients and supplements on the market!

Essential Nutrients and Herbs to Take:

Nature Made Vitamin C Supplement Caplets, 500 mg, 100-Count Tablets (Pack of 3)
Nature Made Vitamin E 400 I.U. Water Soluble, (300 Softgels)
Alfalfa Juice Concentrate 650mg 180 VegiCaps
Natural E 200, Dietary Supplement, 200 IU, 100 softgel capsules
Organic Parsley Leaf Tea - 24 Tea Bags

Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements, and also read the warning labels on each product, especially if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. In addition, read the labels carefully when giving your child any natural supplement, to ensure that it is safe to give a child.

Natural Cures for Fungal Infection

Fungal infection is a disease that usually affects the skin, though it can also affect other organs. It is caused by fungal organisms including molds, mildew, and yeast.

Symptoms of fungal infection range from mild to severe. Mild symptoms include discoloration and swelling of the nail and surrounding areas; moist, reddened patches over various parts of the body; and a cheesy and smelly discharge from the vagina. Severe symptoms can disrupt normal organ functioning and require immediate medical attention as mentioned in ifounthecure.com

Fungal infections are more common and/or severe in people who use antibiotic medication supplements for extended periods, or who use corticosteroids, immunosuppressant drug supplements (used to inhibit normal immune functioning), or contraceptives, as well as in people with conditions such as obesity, AIDS, and diabetes mellitus. People in the last category must seek proper medical treatment for their condition while simultaneously addressing the fungal infection itself.

But there are natural cures for fungal infection that do not involve the use of pharmaceutical drug supplements. They involve restoring the biochemical balance of the body, and making dietary and lifestyle changes designed to improve one's general health.


Herbal Remedies for Fungal Infection

Apply a few drops of natural products like the tea tree oil directly to the fungal infection three times daily. If you have sensitive skin, dilute it with a few drops of another one of the recommended natural products vegetable oil. Tea tree oil should not be ingested.

Use chamomile, fungicidal herbal remedy that also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, both internally and externally. Drink chamomile tea natural supplements at least once per day, and apply the used tea bags directly to the affected area. Chamomile tea herbal remedy is particularly effective at treating vaginal yeast infections and can be used in a sitz bath.

Purchase a tincture containing Black Walnut health food from a health food store. These anti-fungal tinctures often contain other antifungal and antibacterial herbal remedy extracts such as lavender, valerian and tea tree oil. Apply this herbal remedy as directed.

Use henna herbal remedy to treat dandruff. Dandruff is usually caused by a fungal infection. The antifungal varieties of henna herbal remedy include 'red henna' (Lawsonia inermis) and 'neutral henna' (cassia obovata). Neutral henna herbal remedy will not change the color of your hair but will make it glossy, full, and healthier looking along with treating dandruff.

Natural Remedies for Fungal Infection

There are actually many different types of fungal infections that need to be treated such as yeast infection and athlete’s foot infection and there are various ways to treat them. Prescription remedies can be obtained through a physician or there are natural home remedies for fungal infection which can be used by anyone. Here are some natural home remedies for fungal infection:

To bolster the immune system, consider taking health vitamins and nutritional supplements. For C health vitamins, A health vitamins and E health vitamins can be taken on a regular basis throughout the duration of your fungal infection or anytime to increase the efficacy of your immune system as well as aid the health and appearance of your skin. A few other natural supplements that one should consider taking is garlic supplements, myrhh, black walnut supplements and oil of oregano. All of these herbal remedy natural supplements should be consumed daily to help fight off the fungal infection.

There are also topical natural treatments that one can use to fight off a fungal infection. If a topical natural treatment is desired, there are plenty of topical creams and mixtures that one can make on his or her own to get rid of the infection. For instance, whey, aloe vera, tea tree oil, and garlic health food are well recommended natural remedies for fungal infection.

Whey topical natural treatment should be soaked in a cotton cloth in a liquid whey mixture. Apply it to the infected area. This natural treatment can be used any time of the day even while sleeping.

Aloe vera natural treatment can be applied by carefully rubbing it on the infected fungal area. This natural treatment is well recommended as a natural remedy by helping to cool the skin but it also has excellent anti-parasitic properties that should be used to fight off the infection.

To apply a tea tree oil natural treatment: add about 5 to 10 drops of tea tree oil home remedy to a small cup of water. Dip some sort of cotton, absorbent material into the mixture and apply to the fungal infection.7

To apply garlic natural treatment, rub raw garlic health food on the infected area. This home remedy will help the infected area greatly, especially if it is a yeast infection. Raw garlic health food has anti-fungal properties and will help speed up the recovery from the fungal infection as discussed in ifoundthecure.com

Recommended Supplements to Take

The following supplements are know to aid in the fight against Fungal Infection. Keep in mind that not every nutrient or supplement you swallow is absorbed by your body! Please read carefully the tab on the top of this page called HEALTH RESOURCES! It will explain to you why it is important to take the right supplements and nutrients. Our recommendations below we feel will give you the best possible nutrients and supplements on the market!

Essential Nutrients and Herbs to Take:

C-1000 Sustained Released with Rose Hips 100 tabs
Planetary Herbals Oil of Oregano, 1 fl oz (29.57 ml)
Tea Tree Oil 4 fl.oz
Nature Made Vitamin E 400 I.U. Water Soluble, (300 Softgels)

Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements, and also read the warning labels on each product, especially if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. In addition, read the labels carefully when giving your child any natural supplement, to ensure that it is safe to give a child.

Natural Cures for Anxiety

Anxiety is very wide spread today due to our busy lifestyle and poor eating habits and although it’s normal to feel anxious from time to time, if you feel anxious without a reason and if these worries persist and affect your day to day life, you may have generalized anxiety disorder. Symptoms may include restlessness, feeling tense or on edge, irritability, impatience, or poor concentration. People may also notice changes in their physical health such as headaches, jaw pain, muscle tension, difficulty falling or staying asleep, dry mouth, fatigue, chest tightness, indigestion, bloating, excessive sweating and headache as mentioned in ifoundthecure.com

Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Listed below are some of the natural remedies that are being explored for anxiety:

Natural Remedy #1: Passionflower Herbal Remedy
One of the natural cures for anxiety is passionflower, considered to be an herbal remedy, otherwise known as naturopathy. Two studies involving 198 people examined the effectiveness of passionflower as an herbal remedy, a natural cure for anxiety. One study found this herbal remedy to be comparable to benzodiazepine drug health supplement. There was also improvement in job performance with using passionflower as a natural cure for anxiety and there was also less drowsiness with passionflower as a natural remedy compared with the drug supplement mexazolam, however, neither was statistically significant.

anxiety-2Natural Remedy #2: Body Work
Bodywork such as massage therapy, shiatsu, and other forms of bodywork are widely used as a natural remedy to diminish muscle tension, relieve stress, and improve sleep.

Natural Remedy #3: Mind/Body Techniques
Mind/body breathing exercises, physical exercise, yoga, tai chi, self-hypnosis, meditation, and biofeedback are just some of the natural remedies used for anxiety.

Natural Remedy #4: Valerian Herbal Remedy

Another naturopathic home remedy considered as a natural cure for anxiety is the herb valerian which is best known as an herbal remedy for insomnia. This herbal remedy is usually taken an hour before bedtime. It takes about two to three weeks to work and shouldn't be used for more than three months at a time. Side effects of this herbal remedy may include mild indigestion, headache, palpitations, and dizziness. And although valerian tea and liquid extracts are available in health food stores, most people don't like the smell of valerian and prefer taking the capsule form of this herbal remedy.

Natural Remedy #5: Kava Herbal Remedy
Native to Polynesia, this herbal remedy has been found to have anti-anxiety effects in humans.The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), however, has issued an advisory to consumers about the potential risk of severe liver injury resulting from the use of dietary health supplements containing kava.

Natural Remedy #6: Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Health Supplements
GABA is an amino acid that is known to play a role in the physiology of anxiety. Some prescription drug supplements for anxiety work by affecting GABA receptors in the brain. The degree to which orally ingested GABA health supplements can reach the brain, however, is unknown.

Natural Remedy #7: Aromatherapy
Plant essential oils can be added to baths, massage oil, or infusers. Essential oils that are used as natural cures for anxiety and nervous tension are: bergamot, cypress, geranium, jasmine, lavender, melissa, neroli, rose, sandalwood, ylang-ylang. Lavender is the most common and forms the base of many relaxing blends.

Natural Remedy #8: Winter Cherry and Siberian Ginseng Herbal Remedies
Adrenal glands are very important in understanding anxiety since it is almost always a sign of adrenal fatigue or overload. Winter Cherry and Siberian Ginseng are two excellent herbal remedies that will support your adrenal glands and give you immediate relief. Winter cherry as an herbal remedy has been shown to have a sedating effect on the body and helps to rebuild the digestive and nervous system while siberian ginseng as an herbal remedy has been used traditionally to stimulate and nourish the adrenal glands and increase mental alertness as discussed in ifoundthecure.com

Natural Remedy #9: Health Supplements to Support the Adrenal Glands
The following health supplements are also recommended as natural cures for anxiety by supporting the adrenal glands.
• Vitamin C (2,000-4,000 mg/day)
• Vitamin E w/mixed tocopherols (800 IU/day)
• Vitamin B100 complex
• Pantothenic acid (1200-1500 mg/day)
• Magnesium citrate (800-1200 mg)
• Liquid trace minerals
• Adrenal Glandular

Recommended Supplements to Take

The following supplements are know to aid in the fight against Anxiety. Keep in mind that not every nutrient or supplement you swallow is absorbed by your body! Please read carefully the tab on the top of this page called HEALTH RESOURCES! It will explain to you why it is important to take the right supplements and nutrients. Our recommendations below we feel will give you the best possible nutrients and supplements on the market!

Essential Nutrients and Herbs to Take:

Nature's Way - Valerian Root, 530 mg, 180 capsules
Source Naturals Gaba Calm, Orange, Tablets, 120 tablets
Nature Made Vitamin C, 1000 mg, Premium Tablets, Value Size, 300 premium tablets
Vitalabs Vitamin B-100 Complex, Sustained Release Tablets, 250 Tablets
Pantothenic Acid 500 mg 250 Caps
Solgar - Magnesium Citrate, 400 mg, 120 tablets (Multi Pack)
Vitamin Shoppe - Trace Mineral Liquid, 8 fl oz liquid
Natural Sources - Raw Adrenal, 60 capsules

Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements, and also read the warning labels on each product, especially if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. In addition, read the labels carefully when giving your child any natural supplement, to ensure that it is safe to give a child.

Brooke Burke’s Dishes Out Weight Loss Tips

Brooke Burke is 36 and a mother to 4 children and she looks amazing after giving birth to four kids! She’s an American television personality, model and occasional dancer known for hosting Wild On, Rock Star, winning Dancing with the Stars 7th season and for co-hosting DWTS beginning Season 10. She reveals the weight loss diet plan and fitness training regimen she’d undergone to become one hot momma as mentioned in howcelebritiesloseweight.com

Brooke Burke Weight Loss Diet Plan

Brooke Burke’s weight loss diet plan involves eating five times a day to speed up her metabolism. Her morning diet plan consists of eating oatmeal with fruit, a mid morning snack and a big salad with some protein for lunch. For dinner, she likes to include having fish and veggies with a glass of wine in her diet plan. She says “the main point of this weight loss diet plan is not to starve your body.”
She says she doesn’t believe in crazy starvation weight loss diets. “I’m not a big believer in these crazy cleanses and fast diet fads because I think they’re quick fixes and you always put the weight back on,” the DWTS host said. “Here are my weight loss tips for the women out there who want to have a sexy body like me: find a healthy lifestyle and go on a healthy weight loss diet plan aka smart-food choices that you enjoy, it’s so much easier than the panic of all of a sudden needing to do a quick eweight loss to drop ten pounds.” A sensible diet plan with fruits and veggies are good enough to power one’s weight loss to achieve the kind of body you want. She tries to avoid carbohydrates, refined sugars, processed flours and dairy products. And she surely proves that you’re diet plan can involve eating great food and still lose weight!

Take a look at what Brooke Burke’s typical daily meal diet plan consists of:

oatmeal made with water, with a little brown sugar
coffee with milk and sweetener

Snack (choose one)
Non-fat yogurt
Low-fat cottage cheese with fresh pineapple
protein bar (Luna or Zone)

Lunch choose one)
chicken, lettuce, tomato, avocado, cucumber in a whole-wheat pita with olive oil, vinegar and Dijon dressing
sushi - mostly sashimi style
chicken/lettuce/cheese burrito

She also loves Matzo ball soup that she makes at home with chicken, carrots and celery.

Snack (choose one)
apple with a handful of almonds
protein shake made with nonfat milk, ½ banana, tsp. almond butter and a scoop of whey protein
tuna fish salad with celery or carrots (use low-fat mayo)
sliced turkey with almonds

Dinner (choose one)
fillet mignon with Caesar salad and asparagus
grilled salmon with veggies
chicken with a salad and grilled veggies

Sometimes at night when she’s too tired to eat a full meal, she has a bowl of her favorite cereal, Smart Start, with blue berries and non-fat milk.

Brooke’s Fitness Training Regimen

Even though Brooke Burke may not have the fitness exercise the DWTS contestants have every day which involves about six hours of dance practice, she’s still in great shape. Her secret? She has fun with her fitness training exercise program. She loves jumping on a trampoline and also enjoys walking, two of her favorite kinds of cardio exercise. She also swims or hikes for a good cardio exercise to burn calories. Do a cardio exercise workout for one hour three times each week to achieve Brooke Burke’s body.
Her fitness exercise program also involves doing Pilates exercises. She credits this strengthening and toning fitness exercise workout for keeping her body fit. Brooke does Pilates exercises 30 minutes to an hour, three days per week. Lastly, Brooke urges us to pick up the Core Secrets exercise workout DVD by her fitness trainer, Gunnar Peterson. She uses the moves in his exercise DVDs to stay in shape as also seen in howcelebritiesloseweight.com

Smart Start Antioxidants Cereal, 17.5-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 4)
The Pilates Body: The Ultimate At-Home Guide to Strengthening, Lengthening, and Toning Your Body--Without Machines

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Alternative Medicine for Celiac Disease

What is celiac disease? Celiac disease is a widespread autoimmune disorder of the small intestine that occurs in genetically predisposed people of all ages from middle infancy onward. Celiac disease is caused by a reaction to gliadin, a prolamin (gluten protein) found in wheat, and similar proteins found in the crops of the tribe Triticeae (which includes other cultivars such as barley and rye). Upon exposure to gliadin, and certain other prolamins, the enzyme tissue transglutaminase modifies the protein, and the immune system cross-reacts with the small-bowel tissue, causing an inflammatory reaction. That leads to a truncating of the villi lining the small intestine (called villous atrophy). You can also read more at
www.ifoundthecure.com This interferes with the absorption of nutrients, because the intestinal villi are responsible for absorption. The only known effective treatment is a lifelong gluten-free diet and while the disease is caused by a reaction to wheat proteins, it is not the same as wheat allergy.

Severe celiac disease leads to the characteristic symptoms of pale, loose and greasy stool, weight loss or failure to gain weight (in young children). People with milder celiac disease may have symptoms that are much more subtle and occur in other organs rather than the bowel itself. Finally, it is possible to have celiac disease without any symptoms whatsoever. Many adults with subtle disease only have fatigue or anemia.

Natural Cures for Celiac Disease

The most natural cures for Celiac disease involve following a gluten-free diet. Eliminate the following from your diet: breads, bagels, cakes, cookies, pasta, cracker and chips unless they’re gluten free, processed foods, sugar and syrups. The good news is that gluten-free health products have begun a recent rise in popularity since gluten-free health products are not only better for one’s health, but the gluten-free grains are superior in health nutritional value than the more common grains.

Herbal remedies such as echinacea and goldenseal may help to speed the natural healing process for celiac disease. These two herbal remedies serve as immune system boosters and often packaged together in capsule form. You may also find Echinacea and goldenseal in combination with other herbal remedies like slippery elm, marshmallow, geranium, and other herbs. You might find these herbal remedies in your local health food stores. Echinacea and goldenseal herbal remedies are important in the natural healing of celiac disease because they have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. One cautionary note, however: Don’t take these herbal remedies continuously. Generally, two weeks on and two weeks off for a period of up to two months is advised.

Another natural remedy for celiac is drinking daily health vitamins/mineral supplements since health vitamins supplements can also speed the natural healing of celiac disease. Take in the recommended dose of calcium health vitamins supplements is 1,000 milligrams along with 400 milligrams of magnesium health nutritional supplements. A lack of B6 health vitamins is also partly to blame for symptoms of celiac disease so take in health nutritional supplements such as the Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P-5-P). These health nutritional supplements are recommended as it requires no conversion to make health vitamins B6, and can be easier on the stomach.

Many celiac patients commonly suffer deficiencies of health vitamins A, C, D, E and so it’s also suggested that they can benefit from taking these in health vitamins nutritional supplements form, along with a chelated form of zinc health supplement. As with any health supplement, read the directions and keep your doctor fully informed about what you are taking and how much.

Celiac patients also often suffer a deficiency of K health vitamins. K health vitamins can be supplemented through natural health green foods, especially alfalfa. Natural health green food supplements contain many essential nutrients, including trace minerals. Evening primrose oil is a good source of the omega-6 essential fatty acids that celiac patients often lack.

Silica health supplements soothes inflammations in the gastrointestinal tract and is available in both capsules health supplements form and gel health supplements form as also mentioned in www.ifoundthecure.com

Medicinal clay is excellent in promoting healing of the walls of the colon and protecting it from irritation by toxins and dry, abrasive matter.

Daily Dosages of Health Nutritional Supplements for Celiacs:

Green health food nutritional supplements, 1 tbsp.
Evening primrose oil, two 500 mg health nutritional capsule supplements three times daily
Multivitamin health supplements
Medicinal clay, dissolve 1 tsp. of clay in ½cup of water at room temperature and drink twice daily.
Papain health supplement, 500 mg three times daily
Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate health supplement, 50 mg daily
Silica, 3-6 health capsule supplement
B complex health vitamins, 50 mg twice daily
B12 health vitamins, 100 mcg
C health vitamins, with bioflavonoids, 5,000 mg one to three times daily

Recommended Supplements to Take

The following supplements are know to aid in the fight against Celiac Disease. Keep in mind that not every nutrient or supplement you swallow is absorbed by your body! Please read carefully the tab on the top of this page called HEALTH RESOURCES! It will explain to you why it is important to take the right supplements and nutrients. Our recommendations below we feel will give you the best possible nutrients and supplements on the market!

Essential Nutrients and Herbs to Take:

Nature's Bounty Evening Primrose Oil, 500 mg, 100 Softgels (Pack of 2)
Golden Seal Root 500 mg 100 Caps
Sundown Echinacea Whole Herb 400mg Capsules - 100ct Bottles (Pack of 2)
Thorne Research Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate - 180 Capsules
Caltrate 600 Plus D Calcium Supplement Chewable Tablets with Vitamin D and Minerals, Assorted Fruit Flavors, 90-Count Bottles (Pack of 2)

Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements, and also read the warning labels on each product, especially if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. In addition, read the labels carefully when giving your child any natural supplement, to ensure that it is safe to give a child.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Usher’s Abs!

For approaching everything he does in the way that everything has to be perfect, Usher is definitely the man!

Men's Health magazine's interview recently, has brought us an insight on how his exercise routine and way he lives can be assimilated be any normal guy. Read on to get all the details. You may also visit www.howcelebsgetfit.com

Usher's Philosophy

Usher On . . . Work
"Imagine working in a studio till 4 o'clock every morning. You sit on a couch and waste energy. You eat a million and one things. So we built a gym in the studio, where I go pump some iron with Cliff [Boyce, his trainer]. Everyone looks at us like we're crazy, but when I go back into that booth, I'm pumped."

Usher On . . . Stress Relief
"My life is work, work, work, work, work. So, naturally I have to have some moment for myself at the end of the day. Most of the time, I'll add a workout because it's something I want to do for myself physically, or I'll go and read a book, meditate, or whatever it may be, just to keep myself sane."

Usher On . . . Health
"At the age of 18 or 19, I broke down a lot. I'd get colds, catch the flu, 'cause I just wasn't taking care of my body. I wasn't eating right. I wasn't taking vitamins. I wasn't sleeping, which I still don't do. That's part of my problem--not resting."

Usher On . . . Fitness
"If you take care of your body, it'll take care of you. The benefit obviously is that I'm protecting my body from being harmed. I did my best to prepare and condition my body over time. If I didn't do this, I'd look a mess because of the lifestyle I live. I mean, the moment you go off, you notice the difference. You move slower."

Usher On . . . Looks
"Part of the selling of an artist is how you present yourself. If you look the part, people will believe you."

usher2Usher's Exercise Routine

Here are some exercises he does. Sitting toe-to-toe with a partner, legs spread in Vs, launching that exercise ball at each other. When one catches it, he lowers his back to the floor, then fires back up to a sitting position and returns the throw. Brutal. "Watch your breathing," warns Usher. "When it's burning, you can't give up. You don't pay attention to pain. Just breathe through it. This is no cookie diet!"

He continues with some wild moves, including a snakelike variation of the pushup. What is that, you say? Usher's legs are straight and spread wide, hips high, forehead hovering just above the floor. He swoops down so his body is flat and just above the floor, then comes up into a cobra, all in a fluid motion. Not only does it look cool, it works almost every muscle in his remarkable body. He also does an intense 5-minute circuit of Arnold presses, V presses, modified lateral raises, and pushups -- all part of a routine he's using to build a back as ripped as his trademark abs. He stretches for 10 minutes before and after every workout and employs a combination of Pilates, yoga, and massage to loosen himself up for dance moves. He boxes and break-dances for speed and agility, lifts and runs for strength and endurance as mentioned in www.howcelebsgetfit.com

What about the Abs?
And for his abs.... he eats. But no remarkable diet tips.
"If you eat clean, you get better results," he says and you can rest assured he knows a thing or two about a healthy diet plan. Diet and exercise, that is always the secret.

Usher is dialed in --his trainer, Cliff Boyce, constantly advises him on how to achieve the body a millennial music star requires, while keeping a healthy lifestyle even at a quick pace. Here's how a combination of his work out combined with the best elements of Pistons player Ben Wallace, actor/adventurer/seducer-of-fine-women Matthew McConaughey, and six-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong would look like, if just a little bit of advice from Mark Verstegen on how to add strenght and conditioning to the plan, is added. Verstegen, for those who haven't heard, uses his Arizona gym to fortify professional athletes' strenght through his workout plans. In short, we took elements of all-star workouts and built them into a program any man can follow.

Usher's Workout Plan

Under the eye of his trainer, Cliff Boyce, Usher combines moves for body, mind, and voice. Here's a typical workout:

Meditation and visualization: 20 minutes

Static stretching: 10 to 15 minutes

Intervals: 30 minutes on a treadmill or bike

Strength: 60 minutes of supersets and circuits

Abs: 10-minute circuit

Static stretching: 10 to 15 minutes

Steam-room intervals: 5 minutes in steam, 5 minutes in a cold shower, 5 minutes in steam (The contrast of hot and cold stimulates bloodflow to help his muscles recover; the steam keeps his voice smooth and his skin toned.)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Natural Remedies for Gout

goutWhat is Gout?

Gout is a painful condition which is caused by crystals of uric acid depositing in tissues of the body. Uric acid is an end product of the breakdown of purines, found in all body tissues and in many foods. Normally Uric acid is carried through the blood and eliminated in the urine.

But. if the production of uric acid is increased by the body or by a person eating a lot of foods high in purine, or if the kidneys’ ability to eliminate uric acid decreases, then concentrations in the blood can rise (called hyperuricemia) and cause crystal formation as mentioned in www.ifoundthecure.com

Who Gets Gout?

Gout can affect both sexes, men are more likely to suffer from gout. People who are insulin resistant also have a higher risk of getting gout. It is estimated that 76% of people with gout are insulin resistant. If you have a family history of gout, chances are that you may develop this condition. Eating a diet high in saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, and alcohol can also be one of the root causes of gout. Stress, joint injury, kidney disease, obesity, dehydration, lead toxicity, high blood pressure, and an overall acid body ph can all cause or contribute to gout. If you do have gout, eating organ meats, such as liver, can usually trigger a flare up.

What are the Symptoms of Gout?

Gout has a few symptoms but it can be very painful, and interfere with a person’s lifestyle to a great degree. Some of the symptoms include; sharp pain which is usually confined to a single joint, inflamed red joints, which feel hot and tender to the touch. Fever can also occur with gout. Flare ups most commonly occur in the feet, particularly the big toe.

Natural Remedies.

The most successful natural remedy for gout is cherries! You can but a cherry supplement at your local health store, or online. Eating cherries also works wonders. Strawberries, and blueberries are also good picks because they neutralize uric acid. Changing your diet can be an consistent way to keep your gout at bay. Avoid high purine foods. Limit alcohol which is high in purines. Also stay away from hydrogenated oils, saturated fats, and limit your intake of foods made with refined flour, and refined sugar. Add a lot of fish to your diet such as; salmon, cod halibut, and sardines. They have reduce inflammation as discussed in www.ifoundthecure.com

Cherry Supplement

Cherry Supplement- Take as directed on the label.

Celery Seed Extract

Celery Seed Extract- Take 450 mg 2-3 times a day or as directed. Celery has anti-inflammatory effects, ands may lower levels of uric acid.

Quercetin & Bromelain

Quercetin & Bromelain- Take as directed. These enzymes are powerful anti-inflamatories.

*Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements, and also read the warning labels on each product, especially if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Also read the labels carefully when giving your child any natural supplement, to ensure that it is safe to give a child.