Thursday, April 8, 2010

Kherington Payne Is no Tiny Dancer


Kherington is a professional dancer and actress. She is appearing in the upcoming movie “Fame”, which is a remake of the 1980 version. No need for complications for this 19 year old lady – dance is her sport, her life and her only secret for having such a nice body that can perform any moves she likes. She has a theory about dancing, that she developed over the years and it would be nice to hear it, so keep reading to discover it! Or you can also click here

Fame Secret

Kherington Payne has an amazing body without any diet and exercise assistant. Dancing is a great way for people of all ages to get and stay in shape without giving way to any boring exercise ball. Following are the top 3 body health benefits of dance (including long term weight loss) that, according to , Kherlington loves about what she does:

Flexibility. Dance requires a great amount of flexibility. Most dance classes begin with a warm-up including several stretching exercises. Dancers must strive to achieve full range of motion for all the major muscle groups. The greater the range of motion, the more muscles can flex and extend - so no more ab exercise equipment. Most forms of dance require dancers to perform moves that require bending and stretching, so dancers naturally become more flexible by simply dancing. Few are the more healthy ways to lose weight.


Strength. Strength is defined as the ability of a muscle to exert a force against resistance. Dancing builds strength by forcing the muscles to resist against a dancer’s own body weight - no fitness exercise equipment needed whatsoever. Many styles of dance, including jazz and ballet, require jumping and leaping high into the air. Jumping and leaping require tremendous strength of the major leg muscles. Ballroom dancing builds strength. Consider the muscle mass a male ballroom dancer develops by lifting his partner above his head! You don't need any diet support to pull that one out. If you want to lose weight without dieting, now you can! As also stated in

Endurance. Dance is physical exercise not to mention one of the best ways to lose weight. Exercise increases endurance. Endurance is the ability of muscles to work hard for increasingly longer periods of time without fatigue. Regular dancing is great for improving endurance, especially vigorous dancing such as line and ballroom dancing. Elevating the heart rate can increase stamina. Just as in any form of exercise, regular dancing will build endurance and you will lose weight in 30 days with like you've never dreamed of.

Lauren Conrad Goes Up The Hill

lauren conrad's bikini

Lauren Conrad is the beautiful MTV star that for the last three years has been one of the primary reasons why “The Hills” is such an enjoyable show. Everybody loves the girls from “The Hills” because they look so good, but just ask Lauren and she will tell you, it’s not that easy to keep it up. Just what exactly is it you need to do to get a body like hers? Keep reading and you will find out exactly! Or you can also click here

Diet Cravings

Despite her hectic lifestyle, Lauren Conrad's been eating healthier than ever before according to Star Magazine and she is full of diet ideas. She's gone from calorie counting to a more flexible diet program: she gets plenty of fruit, like watermelon and grapefruit; organic salad greens; and lean protein, like turkey, tuna, and beans. "I've found when all I'm eating is really fresh, healthy foods, I stop craving pizza and burgers," she says. It’s been said that Lauren's even switched to super nutritious nibbles (what she calls "snack plates"), her diet food list including hummus, sliced turkey, cucumbers, and apples. "When I have these foods in front of me, I find it easier to avoid high-calorie binges," she says. She also mentioned that when she’s in need of a diet to go she will grab a protein drink or cottage cheese with fruit as diet snacks.

Lauren Conrad likes to go with a few diet tips - having six small meals a day from which she cut most carbs, normally having egg whites, turkey, bacon, toast and fruit. When she is having dinner at home she likes to eat sushi most nights although sometimes she alternates it with Mexican food as also stated in


Lauren Conrad tries to stick to a daily 1,500-calorie diet, although she admitted to that sometimes she will slip up because of her hectic schedule. For she said: “I have a hard time eating healthy when we travel a lot. My friends all make fun of me because when we all get back to my apartment at night, everyone wants to order pizza and I make them eat bowls of beans following my own healthy weight loss recipes. On ‘cheat day’ I usually eat carbs.”

Exercise It When You Can

When it comes to exercise, Lauren Conrad does 1 hour sessions of weight training and treadmill exercise twice a week. She incorporates 45 minute hiking sessions in L.A.’s Runyon Canyon when she’s not working out so it makes for a simple weight loss. "I like doing outdoor stuff: tennis, bike riding, kayaking, stand-up surfing, hiking in the canyons around L.A. which gives me good weight loss."

“When I was younger, I was really active and always playing sports. I love waking up early and going on an hour-long hike. It’s the perfect start to my day. When I work out regularly and eat healthy, I feel better. I just started doing kick-boxing which is really fun, and the way my trainer does it, it’s like a full-body workout. Like squat, lunge, squat, lunge, or lower punches. lifting and treadmill exercise sessions. I do a half hour of kick-boxing and then I just do weight training. I also do running most days and Chloe [Lauren’s dog] loves it.”

About her slim down Lauren Conrad says: “The first place I lost weight was my little belly. Now I’m happy about my arms because they were a little mushy!”