Monday, May 24, 2010

Ben Affleck Knows When To Lay Off The Bread


Ben Affleck Celebrity Diet and Workout. Born in 1972, Ben Affleck made an early career start in acting and managed to win so far a few Golden Globes and an Academy Award. He really kicked it off when he stared in "Good Will Hunting" and has since starred in several big budget films. Ben whips his body into shape when he needs to for a role, what does he do? He can even maintain a lean body when he wants too, what is his secret? Keep reading and you'll find out how. You may also visit


For the movie "Pearl Harbor" Ben followed a healthy diet plan consumed 4 protein shakes, six egg whites, a small serving of oatmeal and a piece of fruit for breakfast. For lunch chicken breast, rice and vegetables or salad. Dinner was Fish with salad and or vegetables. He is thought to have a low carb diet and balanced when not training for movie roles. For his recent weight loss programs Ben limited his calorie intake to about 1800.


ben-affleck-surfing-07For Pearl Harbor He worked with personal trainer Jorgen De May Author of "The action hero Body" 3 hours 6 days a week in the gym. Speed-walking and treadmill exercise combined with a routine of free weights and exercise equipment were part of his easy weight loss key as also mentioned in These days his workout consists of weightlifting and cardio on a treadmill usually. Ben had Gunnar Peterson as his personal trainer. Peterson created Core Secrets. Since then, it appears Ben has been leaning up a lot, partially due to his low carb diet with some diet tips from vegetarians. Guess what, he also surfs! It is not known how well he surfs but he surfs!


Whats your secret? "[I] just lay off the bread,"

Great advice for all of us!

Sources: People Magazine

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