Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kim Kardashian is on Dr. Siegal’s Cookie Diet!

You heard right, Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet! No we are not making it up! According to London's Telegraph newspaper, Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet is a "beauty trend" among top Hollywood celebrities. No wonder Dr. Siegal opened his first store in Beverly Hills last month. According to the good doctor, the diet has been around for over 30 years and tested with over 500,000 patients as discussed in

How does it work?

Dr. Siegal claims you can eat six cookies a day plus a sensible dinner of 500 to 800 calories and you will lose weight! The ‘magic’ cookies can be used as a healthy snack or as an appetite suppressant. Each daily bag contains six cookies at 90 calories each. With great success and press coverage in recent times, the cookie diet, also known best as the "Smart For Life" diet, has taken cookie-eating hungry dieters by storm. The program promises substantial weight loss, all by eating (eh, healthy) cookies throughout the day, with your own protein meal at night. That means that if you eat the 6 cookies you will have consumed 540 calories during the day and then dinner will add another 600 to 800 calories for a total of 1140 to 1340 for the day. Follow that with Kim's exercise video and you may have something! Check out Kim's video right here:


Check out Kim's video right here

Other Celebs on the same diet

This diet must be working because other stars like Jennifer Hudson, Kelly Clarkson, Madonna, Guy Ritchie, Mandy Moore are swearing by Dr. Siegal's Diet.

Madonna's take on the cookie diet...

Madonna has revealed that a low-calorie diet caused husband Guy Ritchie to lose more than just a few pounds - it caused him to lose his sex drive too.

Earlier in the month she described their sex live as “incredible” but she told a Phoenix, Arizona radio station on Friday that when Guy started the faddish Cookie Diet that it all grounded to a halt: “It was such a turn-off because he didn’t want to have sex.”

“I think he did it because all his friends were doing it and he wanted to see if he could do it.”

“He lost weight but he didn’t need to lose that much. He’s not on it any more, thank God!”

The good doctor has talked about Madonna's comments saying that there have been over 500,000 people that have tried this diet and he never remembers anyone claiming that they had a drop in their sexual appetite. As a matter of fact, Dr. Siegal claims, some overweight people have a drop in their sex drive by being overweight. That would be one more reason to lose the weight as also mentioned in

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