Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Natural Remedies for Gout

goutWhat is Gout?

Gout is a painful condition which is caused by crystals of uric acid depositing in tissues of the body. Uric acid is an end product of the breakdown of purines, found in all body tissues and in many foods. Normally Uric acid is carried through the blood and eliminated in the urine.

But. if the production of uric acid is increased by the body or by a person eating a lot of foods high in purine, or if the kidneys’ ability to eliminate uric acid decreases, then concentrations in the blood can rise (called hyperuricemia) and cause crystal formation as mentioned in www.ifoundthecure.com

Who Gets Gout?

Gout can affect both sexes, men are more likely to suffer from gout. People who are insulin resistant also have a higher risk of getting gout. It is estimated that 76% of people with gout are insulin resistant. If you have a family history of gout, chances are that you may develop this condition. Eating a diet high in saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, and alcohol can also be one of the root causes of gout. Stress, joint injury, kidney disease, obesity, dehydration, lead toxicity, high blood pressure, and an overall acid body ph can all cause or contribute to gout. If you do have gout, eating organ meats, such as liver, can usually trigger a flare up.

What are the Symptoms of Gout?

Gout has a few symptoms but it can be very painful, and interfere with a person’s lifestyle to a great degree. Some of the symptoms include; sharp pain which is usually confined to a single joint, inflamed red joints, which feel hot and tender to the touch. Fever can also occur with gout. Flare ups most commonly occur in the feet, particularly the big toe.

Natural Remedies.

The most successful natural remedy for gout is cherries! You can but a cherry supplement at your local health store, or online. Eating cherries also works wonders. Strawberries, and blueberries are also good picks because they neutralize uric acid. Changing your diet can be an consistent way to keep your gout at bay. Avoid high purine foods. Limit alcohol which is high in purines. Also stay away from hydrogenated oils, saturated fats, and limit your intake of foods made with refined flour, and refined sugar. Add a lot of fish to your diet such as; salmon, cod halibut, and sardines. They have reduce inflammation as discussed in www.ifoundthecure.com

Cherry Supplement

Cherry Supplement- Take as directed on the label.

Celery Seed Extract

Celery Seed Extract- Take 450 mg 2-3 times a day or as directed. Celery has anti-inflammatory effects, ands may lower levels of uric acid.

Quercetin & Bromelain

Quercetin & Bromelain- Take as directed. These enzymes are powerful anti-inflamatories.

*Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements, and also read the warning labels on each product, especially if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Also read the labels carefully when giving your child any natural supplement, to ensure that it is safe to give a child.

Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids

hemorrhoidsWhat are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins in your anus and rectum. They can result from straining during a bowel movement, constipation, or the increased pressure on these veins during pregnancy, among other causes. You may also visit www.ifoundthecure.com

Who Gets Hemorrhoids?

It is estimated that 50 to 65 percent of Americans suffer from hemorrhoids. With more than one-third of the population reporting an ongoing problem with hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be divided into three categories. Internal hemorrhoids, which develop inside of the anus and can not be seen. These hemorrhoids are usually painless, thus most people are unaware they even have them unless they start to bleed.

External hemorrhoids are located at the opening of the anus underneath the skin. This type of hemorrhoid is likely to become inflamed. When they do, they turn purple, or blue and are tender to the touch. The third type of hemorrhoid is called a prolapsed hemorrhoid. This is when an internal hemorrhoid becomes enlarged and collapses, and descends so that it hangs partially out of the anus. Prolapsed hemorrhoids can be extremely painful.

What are the Symptoms of Hemorrhoids?

The symptoms of hemorrhoids are pain, burning, itching, or bleeding in the anal area. Purple, or blue patches of hard skin near the anus. Lumpy tissue protruding out of the anus.

What are the Root Causes of Hemorrhoids?

Constipation, straining, lifting heavy objects, obesity, pregnancy, and childbirth are some of the common causes. While inactivity, standing for long periods of times, food allergies, lack of fiber in your diet, poor anal hygiene, poor liver function, and hypothyroidism are among the other causes.

Natural Remedies.

Eating a diet high in fiber is one of the best things you can do to rid yourself of hemorrhoids. Limit the amount of caffeine, and alcohol if you have hemorrhoids because they have a dehydrating effect. If you suspect that your hemorrhoids are a result of a food allergy, try an elimination diet to figure out what food allergy is causing your hemorrhoids. Switching to moistened wipes instead of toilet paper after a bowel movement can also help as mentioned in www.ifoundthecure.com

Butcher's Broom

Butcher's Broom-Take a standardized extract that gives you 200- 300 mg of ruscogenins daily. Ruscogenins are constituents within this herb that are believed to constrict and reduce inflammation of hemorrhoidal tissue.

Horse Chestnut

Horse Chestnut-Take a standardized extract that contains 100 mg of aescin daily. This herb reduced inflammation, and also reduces swelling.


Collinsonia- Take 500 mg 3 times a day. This will reduce swelling.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel- Apply as a gel or a cream to external hemorrhoids. - Apply as a gel or a cream to external hemorrhoids.

Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed Oil- Take as directed on the label. Flaxseed Oil will promote regularity, and reduces straining. It is also good for tissue repair.

Bioflavonoid Complex

Bioflavonoid Complex- Take 1,000 mg two to three times a day. They reduce swelling and prevent bleeding.

*Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements, and also read the warning labels on each product, especially if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Also read the labels carefully when giving your child any natural supplement, to ensure that it is safe to give a child.

Natural Remedies for Colds

coldWhat is a Cold?

The common cold, also known as a viral upper respiratory tract infection, is a contagious illness that can be caused by one of over two hundred different viruses. Because of the high number of viruses which can cause a cold, our bodies never learn to be resistant to them. Colds can be spread through sneezing, coughing, or contact with an infected object. The good news is that there some natural methods of prevention, ways to shorten the span of a cold, and get rid of the symptoms if your already have one as also mentioned in www.ifoundthecure.com

Who Gets a Cold?

For some people colds can be a health concern multiple times a year. School age children get several colds every year. Studies show that on average, preschool children have nine colds a year, those in kindergarten have twelve colds a year; and adolescents and adults, report seven colds per year. Anyone is at risk for getting a cold. However, people with a weakened immune system are more susceptible to getting a cold.

What are the Symptoms of a Cold?

The standard symptoms of a common cold are; sneezing, runny nose, cough, congestion, sore throat, fatigue, swollen lymph glands, mild fever, and loss of appetite.

What are the Root Causes of a Cold?

A compromised immune system is the number one root cause for developing a cold. This could be caused by illness, stress, a poor diet, and lifestyle factors.

Natural Remedies.

The common cold has many different symptoms. Symptoms such as sneezing, and a runny nose may be bothersome but are necessary for your body to eliminate mucus. Do your best to eat a healthy diet full of organic fruits, and vegetables. Eating a lot of good carbohydrates such as lentils, beans, brown rice, and squash are good choices to help keep your energy up. You may also visit www.ifoundthecure.com

Throat Coat Tea

Throat Coat Tea- Brew as directed, and leave your tea-bag in the cup as long as possible. This tea is excellent for soothing a sore throat. I usually just leave mine in, this allows the herbs to steep really well. Sip this tea as needed. It is the best sore throat remedy I have found, and is used quite often by professional singers. Throat coat contains licorice and slippery elm which coat the throat and soothe inflammation. This tea is very sweet tasting.

Olbas Pastilles Lozenges

Olbas Pastilles Lozenges- Take as directed. These lozenges are very strong. They will calm a persistent cough, open up plugged nasal passage ways, and sooth your sore throat.

Olive Leaf

Olive Leaf- Take as directed on the label. Olive leaf is a potent anti-viral, anit-bacterial, and anti-fungal supplement derived from leaves of the olive tree. If you start to feel like your are getting a cold start taking this three times a day or as directed on the label, and you won’t get sick. No medicine cabinet is complete without olive leaf.

Zinc Lozenges

Zinc Lozenges- Take 15 mg to 25 mg as a zinc lozenge, every two hours for four days. Zinc helps to support the immune system and has some anti-viral properties.


Echinacea- Take 500 mg four times a day for immune support, and antiviral effects.

Reishi Mushroom

Reishi Mushroom- Take as directed on the label. This is a powerful immune system booster. it will also increase your energy.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C- Take 1,000 mg three to four times a day. If you experience diarrhea, reduce the dose. Vitamin C has been found to help support the immune system by promoting increasing white blood cell activity.

Colloidal Silver

Collodial Silver- Take as directed on the label. Colloidal silver is the best natural antibiotic.

*Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements, and also read the warning labels on each product, especially if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Also read the labels carefully when giving your child any natural supplement, to ensure that it is safe to give a child.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ben Affleck Knows When To Lay Off The Bread


Ben Affleck Celebrity Diet and Workout. Born in 1972, Ben Affleck made an early career start in acting and managed to win so far a few Golden Globes and an Academy Award. He really kicked it off when he stared in "Good Will Hunting" and has since starred in several big budget films. Ben whips his body into shape when he needs to for a role, what does he do? He can even maintain a lean body when he wants too, what is his secret? Keep reading and you'll find out how. You may also visit www.howcelebsgetfit.com


For the movie "Pearl Harbor" Ben followed a healthy diet plan consumed 4 protein shakes, six egg whites, a small serving of oatmeal and a piece of fruit for breakfast. For lunch chicken breast, rice and vegetables or salad. Dinner was Fish with salad and or vegetables. He is thought to have a low carb diet and balanced when not training for movie roles. For his recent weight loss programs Ben limited his calorie intake to about 1800.


ben-affleck-surfing-07For Pearl Harbor He worked with personal trainer Jorgen De May Author of "The action hero Body" 3 hours 6 days a week in the gym. Speed-walking and treadmill exercise combined with a routine of free weights and exercise equipment were part of his easy weight loss key as also mentioned in www.howcelebsgetfit.com These days his workout consists of weightlifting and cardio on a treadmill usually. Ben had Gunnar Peterson as his personal trainer. Peterson created Core Secrets. Since then, it appears Ben has been leaning up a lot, partially due to his low carb diet with some diet tips from vegetarians. Guess what, he also surfs! It is not known how well he surfs but he surfs!


Whats your secret? "[I] just lay off the bread,"

Great advice for all of us!

Sources: People Magazine

Give me 5 Benjamin Bratt

Benjamin Bratt Diet and Exercise Benjamin Bratt Celebrity Diet and Workout. At 6 ft 2 Inches Benjamin Bratt still manages to put on some muscle weight that shows hard work in the gym. This helps him as Det. Rey Curtis on the television show Law & Order to look imposing. He never budges on weight and always looks healthy, fit and trim. So what does he do to stay in tip top shape? You may also visit www.howcelebsgetfit.com to learn more!


Benjamin follows "The 5-factor diet" program. This is not a vegetarian diet, but a low carb diet using low-fat protein, low- to moderate- glycemic carbs, healthy fat, sugar-free beverages for a perfect and healthy weight loss.

5 Factor Overview

5-week plan
This plan is designed to give you results in five weeks! And it's so easy and effective that you may naturally turn your five-week plan into a lifestyle (as many of Harley's personal clients tend to do).

5 meals a day
Say so long to hunger and cravings. By eating five 5-Factor meals every day, not only will you start losing weight but you'll feel less hungry throughout the day!

5-ingredient meals
Eating delicious and healthy meals doesn't have to be hard. Members get hundreds of recipes that use only five ingredients and take only five minutes to prepare.

25-minute workouts
Based on Harley's training experience, he believes that working out more often for shorter periods of time is more effective than spending hours at the gym with exercise machines.

5 cheat days in 5 weeks
Taking a diet break one day a week can empower you, that's his diet tip. You should never feel as if you're in a diet prison! Plus, Harley believes that controlled cheating can actually help you reach your goals.


Benjamin Bratt is one of the many using the excellent diet and exercise "The 5-factor diet" which includes diet tips and a routine perfect for people with a busy lifestyle as also mentioned in www.howcelebsgetfit.com Start the 5 Factor program today here

Source: 5factordiet.com

Brody Jenner Boyish Activities


It seems like some have it all. Brody Jenner is definitely one of the guys most others envy – he is young, he has fame written in every fiber of his body because his entire family is known world-wide, and he has the money. This Hollywood party playboy is all about settling down and doing it the healthy way – at least for now. No big celebrity diet tips from this one, but keep reading to find out all about Brody Jenner’s healthy secrets. You may also visit www.howcelebsgetfit.com

Cookie Diet

Can you stay fit by eating right, exercising well and constantly cheating your diet with cookies? Is this the new smart diet? Well it seems to be working for Brody Jenner. Maybe he's buying into this whole cookie diet craze. Or maybe the adrenaline of love is keeping him on his famously-fit toes and has annihilated the need for a diet program.

Workout for Fun


Brody is in love with Playboy's 2008 Playmate of the Year Jayde Nicole. And he couldn't be happier to have put his hard-partying days behind him, as said in an interview for thatsfit.com. Inspired by his gal (she's in amazing shape, he says), the 26-year-old is working out every day and eating healthier than ever before on his goal to lose weight and build muscle.

Considering his father, Bruce Jenner, is an Olympic decathlon gold medalist, it’s no surprise that working out is in Brody Jenner’s genes and the exercise ball means no stress. Whether he’s body surfing or playing volleyball, the 26-year-old likes to exercise outside, preferably on the beach, according to In Touch magazine and seems to always have some quick weight loss tips down his sleeve.

When he’s at home, a personal trainer visits his condo to whip him and his friends into shape with daily rooftop boxing lessons and put them on some of the best celebrity diets. “I love it up there,” says Brody. “It’s a beautiful view, overlooking all of Hollywood and starting an exercise program seems easy.” as also mentioned in www.howcelebsgetfit.com

Recently he’s been a very active blogger and he updates his fans with all the workout progres he makes and giving exercise tips for abs. In a recent post, quoted by celebuzz.com, he wrote – “Here is a pic of me doing bar dips. They are great for an upper body workout. If you're looking to workout your arms and chest, you should definitely give it a try.” Oh, and leave the Hollywood cookie diet alone!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Beyonce Knowles is using ….. lemonade?

If you were Beyonce Knowles and had access to best trainers and nutritionists what would you use to lose weight? Beyonce Knowles uses a cleansing diet along with exercise.

The Master Cleanser Diet, or as popularly known; The Lemonade Diet was created by the late Naturopath Stanley Burroughs. The Diet consists of fasting to rid the body of toxins, created by improper diet, lack of exercise and negative mental attitudes. The purpose of the Lemonade Diet is to dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion; to cleanse the kidneys and digestive system; to purify glands; to eliminate waste and hardened materials in the joints and muscles; to build a healthy bloodstream; to maintain optimal blood pressure; and to what you all are waiting to hear... to lose weight. As a reducing diet it is superior in every way, reducing fat at a rate of about two (2) pounds a day for most persons, without harmful side effects according to thelemonadediet.com or you may also visit www.howcelebritiesloseweight.com Read below for all the details:

Here are 3 Beyonce Knowles Lemonade Diet Secrets to get you started on the Master Cleanse quickly and effectively.

Beyonce Knowles Lemonade Diet Secret #1
Most people, including experienced Master Cleansers tend to experience uncomfortable, unpleasant moments during the first 3 days of the Master Cleansers. Often, it gets uncomfortable and irritable to the point that they just dropped out of the cleanse. But once you get past the first 3 days, the rest of the cleanse is going to be a breeze. So if you are doing the Master Cleanse for the first time, watch out for this roadblock.

Beyonce Knowles Lemonade Diet Secret #2
When you are feeling the side effects of the cleansing process, most of us will be tempted to take aspirin to help alleviate the migraine which is the natural results of toxins being purged from inside our bodies. However it is not advisable to do so because aspirin are chemicals which will add more toxins to the body. What you can do to help relieve the migraine is to drink more water to expedite the cleansing process. The faster and more toxins the body can remove, the faster the reliefs from the side effects of the detoxification process will be.

Beyonce Knowles Lemonade Diet Secret #3
Hoodia is a natural herb that has been used by San Bushmen in the Kalahari Desert of Africa for thousands of years. It is used as an appetite suppressant. It can be added into your Master Cleanse Lemonade diet to help suppress your hunger pangs. Just be reminded to follow the recommended dosage.

beyonceknowlesBut that's not all....

According to SELF's June issue, she puts in the work. To get a tour-worthy body--one that can handle singing and dancing at the same time--the star works out five days a week with her trainer. Those workouts include 100 squats, step-ups and walking lunges (each!).

She makes it fun. An upper body workout can get boring with all those repetitions, so Knowles added her own twist. "I'll put on a song that I really like and do [biceps curls with] 5-pound weights the whole song," she told us. Or, using 3-pound weights, she'll box for the length of one track as mentioned in www.howcelebritiesloseweight.com

She knows how to motivate herself. A What's the point of running, if you're not running towards something? Knowles keeps a painting of an Oscar at the gym, so she's literally running towards her next goal. "I look at it, and I'm like OK, I have to stay in shape," she admits.

She's consistent.A From the beginning of rehearsals on January 19 to the start of her tour on March 26, Knowles practiced her choreography for nine hours a day, seven days a week--while wearing 5-inch stilettos. Think it's tough to make it through the workday? That's 603 hours in heels! The star admits, "When I come home and take them off, I'm like, "Oh, my God! I wish I could just chop my feet off!"

She understands the importance of confidence. A Transforming into Sasha Fierce is more than putting on a teeny-tiny costume and sky-high heels. To become her alter ego, Knowles rehearses her sexy walk. "It's about self-esteem," she instructs. "It's in the hips. Lean back, stretch your neck, keep your shoulders low, point your toes and cross one foot in front of the other." Anyone can do it!

Kim Kardashian is on Dr. Siegal’s Cookie Diet!

You heard right, Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet! No we are not making it up! According to London's Telegraph newspaper, Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet is a "beauty trend" among top Hollywood celebrities. No wonder Dr. Siegal opened his first store in Beverly Hills last month. According to the good doctor, the diet has been around for over 30 years and tested with over 500,000 patients as discussed in www.howcelebritiesloseweight.com

How does it work?

Dr. Siegal claims you can eat six cookies a day plus a sensible dinner of 500 to 800 calories and you will lose weight! The ‘magic’ cookies can be used as a healthy snack or as an appetite suppressant. Each daily bag contains six cookies at 90 calories each. With great success and press coverage in recent times, the cookie diet, also known best as the "Smart For Life" diet, has taken cookie-eating hungry dieters by storm. The program promises substantial weight loss, all by eating (eh, healthy) cookies throughout the day, with your own protein meal at night. That means that if you eat the 6 cookies you will have consumed 540 calories during the day and then dinner will add another 600 to 800 calories for a total of 1140 to 1340 for the day. Follow that with Kim's exercise video and you may have something! Check out Kim's video right here:


Check out Kim's video right here

Other Celebs on the same diet

This diet must be working because other stars like Jennifer Hudson, Kelly Clarkson, Madonna, Guy Ritchie, Mandy Moore are swearing by Dr. Siegal's Diet.

Madonna's take on the cookie diet...

Madonna has revealed that a low-calorie diet caused husband Guy Ritchie to lose more than just a few pounds - it caused him to lose his sex drive too.

Earlier in the month she described their sex live as “incredible” but she told a Phoenix, Arizona radio station on Friday that when Guy started the faddish Cookie Diet that it all grounded to a halt: “It was such a turn-off because he didn’t want to have sex.”

“I think he did it because all his friends were doing it and he wanted to see if he could do it.”

“He lost weight but he didn’t need to lose that much. He’s not on it any more, thank God!”

The good doctor has talked about Madonna's comments saying that there have been over 500,000 people that have tried this diet and he never remembers anyone claiming that they had a drop in their sexual appetite. As a matter of fact, Dr. Siegal claims, some overweight people have a drop in their sex drive by being overweight. That would be one more reason to lose the weight as also mentioned in www.howcelebritiesloseweight.com

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Jillian Michaels Reveals Her Tricks To Losing A Dress Size Quick For A Hot Date Or Event!

Jillian Michaels, the star personal trainer of The Biggest Loser, gave an interview to OK this month about how to lose weight quickly for a hot date or an important event. Normally Jillian does not advocate losing weight quickly but what makes her a great trainer is the fact that she is also realistic and realizes that sometimes a woman just has to get ready fast and that means fitting in that short dress in a smaller size. Read on for her tricks! You may also visit www.howcelebritiesloseweight.com

Who exactly is Jillian Michaels:

First, let me tell you few things about Jillian: She is a bestselling fitness and nutrition author. Jillian practices what she preaches. At age 12, she tipped the scales at 175, shedding pounds only after taking up martial arts a year later. Today, the 5-foot-2-inch star is 117 pounds of rock-hard muscle, thanks to a routine that includes the Brazilian martial art capoeira, kettle bells, running, yoga and biometric pull-ups. As she puts it, "I work my ass off!"

So how does she do it? Herewith, her tips for looking so fabulous day in and day out – and how to look hot before a big night out on the town.

Jillian Michaels Philosophy:

Jillian Michaels philosophy is that you have to live a pretty healthy life all the time. Its all about the math. You have to keep track of what you consume versus how many calories you use up during the day the calories you spend exercising. You need to eat clean. Eat foods that do not contain chemicals, organic whenever possible. She feels that you should keep a food journal so you can keep track of your calories every day. You need to educate yourself and understand how your body works, learn how your metabolism works and how to keep it constantly working so you lose more weight.


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You should also exercise regularly, hopefully 4 to 5 times a week. Your exercise routine should be geared towards things that you enjoy, so if you like walking but hate running, then walk. As a matter of fact if you walk uphill you burn the same amount of calories as if you run, according to Jillian Michaels. You should try and vary your exercise routine as much as possible so you do not get board and you exercise different parts of your body. No matter how busy you are, you can always do something to get some exercise in your daily routine according to Jillian. She does not, however subscribe to the "just take the stairs" mentality. She assures us that we are strong and can and should do more.

jillianmichaels2Finally Jillian advocates that you will not be able to lose weight long term unless you also work on resolving psycholigal issues that might have contributed to gaining weight in the first place.

Jillian's Tricks of the trade when she has no time to work out: There's no drinking whatsoever. No domaine de valensac, no wine at all, no tequila shots. Don't get to have my organic peanut butter cups or eat as much, period. If you do exercise regularly, then it is ok to drink occasionally as a reward, or have a reasonable dessert. Just make the right choices.If you're going to drink, drink this: A margarita is 500 calories, so instead you can do the diet version that has 80 calories, with PatrĂ³n on the rocks, fresh lime and if you need it, a tiny splash of orange juice as also mentioned in www.howcelebritiesloseweight.com

Tips for losing a dress size for a big date or event:

1. Take three to five days to prepare.

2. Drink a gallon of water a day with two tea bags of dandelion tea, all-natural cranberry juice and the juice of one lemon.

3. Eat asparagus and a little watermelon. The potassium helps flush water out.

4. No salt. Sodium-rich foods include cold cuts, most meat, anything processed.

5. Avoid tanning because the sun will dehydrate you. If you want color, go for a spray tan.

6. Work out.

7. Spend three 20-minute sessions in a sauna and sweat it out of your cells.

8. Avoid carbs.

9. Go to a spa and get a body wrap.

But beware: During the event, don't eat and drink with abandon. "Your body will begin to re-bloat with the first morsel of food," says Jillian.

After all that hard work, go and have a great time!